Thank You to Our Sponsors


We design, develop and protect bleeding-edge system platforms. Our mixed experience in consulting, product development and researches combines to get leading-edge results with efficiency. This pool of knowledge is adapted based on our costumer requirements and data to provide the better fit solutions. We cover the entire development and maintenance life cycle by following the DevSecOps principles and Site Reliability Engineering methodologies. We develop ad-hoc IA models and design data driven business models. Besides, we audit security infrastructures from both, defensive and offensive security.

MIT Media Lab

sponsor MIT Media Lab
Mission of Media Lab is to create transformative technologies, experiences, and systems that enable people to reimagine and redesign their lives. We engage people everywhere in meaningful, creative experiences integrating art, science, design, and engineering. Experimenting in the spaces where humanity and technology interface, we work with organizations and communities around the world to transform people’s dreams and ideas into reality through excellence in education, research, innovation, and inspiring creativity.

Joy Ventures

sponsor Joy Ventures